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Lebih Lengkap Mengenai HL203VQ

This new technology, developed at Solidyne Labs, allows reconstructing the original human voice quality transmitted over telephone lines or Cellular Phone systems. This new invention, based on the Psychoacoustics science, uses the information contained into the 300 - 3.000 Hz band to decode it and restore to the near-original audio quality.

The Voice, once restored, has a 50-10.000 Hz bandwidth
The VQR process, in real time, with no delay, brings near-Studio audio quality. Due to the average audio quality of receivers, about 95% of the FM audience believes that the phone line transmission in not a remote event (that is; the audio quality perceived is like studio quality, for them)

In some ways it is a method similar to that used in Astronomy to know what materials are formed a star by analyzing its light.
The HL203 includes a 3 lines hybrid, prior to VQR system, to enable the handling of two telephone lines and a one cell phone connected wirelessly by a digital microwave link named Bluetooth.
All 3 lines can be placed in conference, with a cross gain between them, to allow for a comfortable and excellent communication level.
It also allows the direct entry of cell phones instead of phone lines. This way saves a lot of money on telephone fares by taking advantage of the promotions of communication at low fee, using Corporative cell phones